Tuesday, January 26, 2010

the junkyard

Water sustains life, but we must all meet our end one day.

Went to an AP reunion of sorts at hooters and took some snaps. They aren't the best because of lighting but well, see for yourself.

It's Peter, Max, and Rene! What a fun bit of focus.

This picture of Max was edited from the raw file. I still don't like how the colors turned out but it is better than the original(or so I believe). Just mouse over to see the original. I wish i could get some of that fleshy color back.

No party would be complete without our Aussie friend, Joel. And I didn't put a Hitler mustache on you see. Just mouse over to see the mustache I did give you =D.

I wanted to post this picture of Ashley because its pretty fun. It looks like shes completely overwhelmed by the nerdality of Dave and Ken's place and is trying her best to protect herself via pillow... but who's pillow is it?

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