Sunday, June 5, 2011

A jump.

Something new finally (taken using the Pinhole effect from the E-PL1)

It's been terribly long since I last updated with anything. This masters program really takes time away from photography. However, there has been many an interesting developments in terms of my photography. Whether I have improved or not, thats for someone else to consider.

I've added to my collection:

- Olympus E-PL1
- Canon AE-1
- Zeiss Ikon Nettar
- Braun Paxette II

The latter two I got from my mentor teacher and they are pretty cool film cameras from the 40s-50s. I also got a Weston Master II exposure meter from him. Exciting developments indeed

I've been using an Olympus E-PL1 micro 4/3 camera and it's a fun alternative to the D40 which my sister has borrowed. The great thing about the Oly is that it has image stabilization on the body of the camera. This means that I can actually use any lenses and not have to worry too much about image stabilization. Thus, I've gotten a few adapters that allow me to use film lenses and a few film lenses.

I need to get some sleep, but I figure I should at least try to post a few pictures as an update. I hope I have made progress over time, but who knows.

Attempting telephoto shot of a bunny at Aldrich at 300mm.

The Nettar. It has BELLOWS!

My friend Oscar with the AE-1 using Fujifilm color 400?

West Portal using the AE-1 with Ilford B&W 400.

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