Monday, November 16, 2009

Finally photos worth posting

I've been taking pictures here and there since my last post but most have been average as I keep visiting the same places at the same times. Last night, I decided to go to Lake Merced after work and see what was going on there.

I walked down in the dark to the pier and put up my tripod and went at it. Photography is good especially when you're a loner =P

I think the things in the left are the docked dragon boats the local team uses to practice with on the lake.

I took a couple pictures of this area but this was the only one I really liked because of the bit of glowing light behind the trees. It's so strange to see the stars and how uniform they seem.

The picture was on the soft setting when I took it at a 2 second shutter. The mouse over picture is with a more vivid setting at 3 seconds.

I took a black and white picture of the same tree but decided I need to edit it a bit. I got rid of the lamp post on the right and set auto contrast. I just wanted to take a picture of the shape of the tree.

1 comment:

  1. That first one just is lovely. The reflection of the city lights and the tower...
