Friday, November 6, 2009

single picture filler post

Way under prepared for tests tomorrow but at the request of a friend(no, it's not a penis pump), I figure I would at least post up one picture I took recently:

I am still working on nighttime shots and there is still much to learn. I think this picture is alright. The street lights are what really bother me because of how 'starry' they look. Someone told me that this is just the way it's going to be because of the aperture blades of the camera. Maybe slow shutter speed pictures just need to be in much darker areas. Apparently there is a meteor shower happening soon. I'm considering getting a remote to play with shutter speed for that, but then again, it will require that I go somewhere dark. Maybe Twin Peaks?

That's the bay bridge by the way, which closed down last weekend because some stuff fell off of it. Bridges are fun. Anyways, hope to post more after I finish my tests =/.

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