Monday, November 30, 2009

th?dr (too hungry? don't read) aka Friendsgiving

Yes, that is bacon.

Dave and Ken hosted a 'Friendsgiving' celebration at their place on Saturday because they are awesome. The result was a pot-luck with amazingly awesome homely food.
Let's all start with sweets. Mmm... Peet's Coffee's ginger loaf with cream cheese
Candied yams =)
Ambrosia(yes, even mere mortals can now enjoy it)
Crushed Pecan Sweet Potatoes
And now wash it down with some warm spiced wine. It is amazing. Seriously.

There was also Rainier's amazing sweet potato pie which i didn't have to opportunity to take a picture of... because it was too delicious.

Now onto the savory...
So moist!
Cornbread. Yes, it was fantastic.
Green Bean Casserole. First time i've ever had it... I think.

Dave also made delicious Ham in the shape of Hanimal. Scroll over to see more deliciousness.
Potatoes of mashed. Elaine did this amazing dish justice.
Rene's amazing dip that made mine look like turd. Thanks Rene...
After the food coma, we decided to play pictionary. This is where Ken says, "IT'S DIGNITY! GAH! DON'T YOU KNOW YOU EVEN KNOW DIGNITY WHEN YOU SEE IT?"

One more for the road. It's Lalaine! Scroll over the picture.

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