Monday, November 9, 2009


The curry invites you in...

That delicious mixture was concocted by my culinary friends Dave and Ken who seem to have perfected the art of comfort food.
I usually find that one of the best destressers for me is having a good converstation with friends over food and drink. You fill your stomach as well as your need to converse.
The cause of stress you ask? Studying for the CSET test. This is the high school I went to in order to take that test.
I figured that I should reward myself afterwards and take some pictures. This didn't come out very well, but I wanted to take a picture of this awkward looking call box in the middle of nowhere.

I decided that I wanted to take the scenic route home and drove down Balboa to get to Sunset. I saw the Balboa theather sign and just had to stop and take a picture. The picture came out really dark however. This is a picture with the active-D lighting set on the 'low' setting. What it tries to do is make darker areas and shadows brighter and more visible. Mouse over to see the active-D lighting set on 'high'.

I don't really like using active-D as I can see visible noise in the dark areas that are lightend. A friend of mine said that I should try to give a negative saturation on things with more noise and so this picture is at -80% saturation. Then I wondered, what would the picture look like with positive saturation? Hover over to see what it looks like with +40% saturation. I like the colors on that much more.

It brings into question, though, when a photo becomes a painting and whether 'enhancing' is changing wholly. I'd rather not get into that right now.

Here's a picture of the blogger who thinks he knows how to play the guitar. What a loser.

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