Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Been quite busy lately and haven't had too many opportunities to take pictures. Also, i'm going to start including more information about the pictures. Mouse over pics to see details.

Trying macro stuff again.

[ISO:400|Meter:Matrix|Speed:1/1.3|Aperture:F7.1|Length:55mm|WB:Incand](mouse over)
I got my Windows 7 Ultimate in the mail and they sent me a Windows Expert pin. I am having issues making better macro pics and I think it is a matter of finding the right aperture setting.

Random picture of a street after class

Long shutter pictures seem to be the flavor of the week. I was driving off and noticed this little spot so I stopped, took out my tripod, and took the picture in the middle of the night. I originally wanted to focus more on the lights in the distance, but what I really like in this picture are the trees in the foreground.

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I just realized that I didn't post anything yet today. I actually took a picture with my tripod and UV filter just a minute ago.

This was taken at about 12:30am. The orange light is from a streetlight and the big white ball is the moon. The picture was taken with a 30 second shutter speed at F4.5. The blue and other white spot are reflections from what I assume would be the UV filter... which is problematic. I guess that is why a $5 filter is a $5 dollar filter. The stand, however, did an amazing job of keeping things still. The tree in the other yard moved so there was the blur, but all in all, I am happy with this picture. The reflection off the chimney is so bright and the hazy fog covering the moon is so rad!

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Monday, October 26, 2009

new tools

UV Filter

And a stand! I love my discount.

Random picture of my store.

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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Non-picture post 1

Sorry, no photo post today, but I will be discussing a certain issue that I've come to re-recognize since I've had the camera
One thing I've noticed with the pictures I've been taking is the fact that I have a biases towards certain colors. I've noticed that I like the colors that are more cool(bluish) over that of the warm(red/yellowish).


I see this as a conflict of self-art and standardized art. I may be categorically incorrect in generalizing only two types, but hell, it's my blog and I write what I want(though I realize I am subject to opinion of those more knowledgeable, which are most). I define both of these categories broadly, the former being art that I enjoy visually seeing/sensing and the latter being a general consensus of what art is based on it's different sub-genres and experts.

I recognize that standardized art ratings and critiques and categories are more of a corporeal and instantiated method in establishing what constitutes 'good' art. Like the A-F grading system of schools, it is a way to review those who we think are doing well versus those who aren't. I find myself trapped in this standardization often as it is the only way in which a peer is able to acknowledge your own work.

However, the question that hits me the hardest in hindsight is: what do I care what other people think? I am enjoying my work and I believe that I am learning from my work. Who has the right to judge my work? This, of course, goes into the idea of self-art. I am my own harshest critic and I am my own appraiser. I like what I like. The problem with this view is learning and conceitedness. Assholes are people who only enjoy what they create and nothing else. Also, we exist in a world where other people actually exist. We can understand the perspective of the self, but is that truly enough? As with philosophy, I don't believe that we can delve into ourselves and find the answers we seek at the roots like Descartes. Nor can we, at the same time, find the answers we seek in the opinion of others... yet two heads are better than one. A true dialog cannot exist within one person and perhaps the shared consensus between more than one person paints an abstract picture(pardon the pun) of what quality is in art.

One of the discussions in Robert Pirsig's book, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, brings up this issue of quality. His character introduces two pieces of writing to his class and has them judge which contained better quality. While the students were able to choose which paper had a better quality, they were not able to explain what quality is. We know what quality is, but we can't explain it.

The reason I mention any of this(to bring me back to what I was discussing before) is that I have issues with my photos. I am sure I can look for something on google and also something scientific to tell me what the most standard visual spectrum of light would be 'best' and I probably will, but it does make me wonder whether my own opinion means anything. I want to find the balance between the cool and warm, to be able to step back and see things in more of a perspective rather than being in it and being confused(or worst yet, being content).

I am only beginning to grasp at something I can faintly understand, but perhaps the lesson is not in understanding, but in the effort and knowledge.

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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Foggy. Also, papa needs a VR lense

I took some pictures last night in the fog as I was coming home. Actually stopped and took pictures. This is getting bad.

One thing I wanted to concentrate on was how much noise there was. As you can see from this picture, there is a lot of noise(you can see it between the dark and bright parts mostly). Mouse over to see a picture on a lower ISO. My shaky hands made things blur a bit, but you can totally tell that there is less noise.

Decided to take a picture with flash to see what would happen. This is why you should not use your high-beams when driving in heavy fog.

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Friday, October 23, 2009


My friend Taylor and I decided to go out for breakfast yesterday on Haight St. and ended up exploring a bit of the park.

"What shall we do after we've had this delicious meal?" I asked.

"Hmmm..." Taylor contemplated.

"I've got it! A photo adventure!" He exclaimed.

"How about the Botanical Gardens?"

We didn't go inside but I did get to take this picture.

"We will get a better view from there!"

The top of the de Young Museum was decided upon. From this picture it looked like a temple rising out of the jungle.

*Elevator music plays in the background*

Great view of the city. I really love the fog in the back. Hover over with the mouse to see the picture with a warm filter. I can't really tell which is the better picture.

The Academy of Sciences. So rad. I hate that I got my own reflection and glare.

"Is that a theater?"

Why it is!

Domey. But what else is around here?



Even giant safety pins! But what of nature?

Here's a tree. I took the picture and then realized that the shadows were too dark. I decided to try out the D-lighting and the result can be seen on the mouseover.

Played around with some black and white too. Eh.

A Squirrel.

Gonna end it with another flower close-up.

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Thursday, October 22, 2009

fast times

Took some snaps at my old High School

Home of the Sharks. (I love the blue)

I saw this place every morning up until I drove the car to school and started coming in from the back parking lot. It was the kind of Cheers-esque area where everyone knew your name and said hey.

Don't remember if I really used any of these lockers. I guess they never really have to worry about previous students breaking in with their old combination. Senility is the ultimate security software.

The courtyard, where the folks go 'rabble rabble'

I really enjoyed this picture of the office. I think I have way too many of these hall shots though.

I'm trying some new code. Try mousing over this picture to see what it would look like given indoor white balance.

Mouse over this one too. This is the dark hall.

Near where my Advisory room used to be in the back. Good ole Ms. Abrams (Ms. Ambrose now)

The Oceana Pool... which we don't own as a school. Under construction still.

What other school has an ocean view like this?

More. I usually run from the edge of that beach to the school and back again. It's an interesting jog.

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Wednesday, October 21, 2009


This post is going to be of the place I reside, Daly Shitty.

Well, maybe not just Daly City. Some of Colma too.

I love how the city looks so desolate even in the daytime.

Colma, where the dead outnumber the living.

As much as you would like to believe, the dead aren't disturbed by the drivers-by.

The local Korean market... with Greek statues out front? Of course there's an IHOP in the same center with a Chinese food place, a Laundromat, and a video store... yes, a video tape store... that doesn't have DVDs. Crazy, I know.

Some things you don't notice while driving by. I think I've become a kind of wanderer in my old age.

All too familiar clouds

The way to San Francisco. Hey, the Bart's coming!

The place of my first job. It's changed ownership twice since then and now hasn't been open for the past two years. Nice and slummy.

Decided to take a detour after class. Stopped and took one last snap.

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