Thursday, October 15, 2009


I had some snaps I took yesterday that I didn't post. One I really like was this one:

I was playing with the shutter speed again but this time in whatever daylight I had in my room. Of course, my messy bed and clothes are there, but I really like the brightness on the top right. Reminds me of pictures in Ikea ads. Not to say anywhere as good though...

Here's a snap of my little demon niece. Why is it that kids only look cute in pictures? It's not fair I tell you, just not fair.
Obligatory photoshop. If you don't get it, look up Phoenix Wright.

After jogging in Pacifica, I decided to get some shoot time by the pier. I really gotta find a way to make sharper contrasts. Means I gotta read up more about it.

The annual fogfest is usually held in Pacifica. I missed it this year.

So I met some birds there... (was a little disappointed by this one. I had the lens on manual focus and couldn't adjust in time)

They're coming right for us!(if you notice, there's a little black speck on the bottom right of some of my pictures. It's a speck of something I eventually wiped off, but it tells me I should have my lens wipe at all times)

They move onto their next kill... my car.

A picture of fog. My favorite of the bunch. Something about the bleakness of it.

The waves wave you goodbye.

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