Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Been quite busy lately and haven't had too many opportunities to take pictures. Also, i'm going to start including more information about the pictures. Mouse over pics to see details.

Trying macro stuff again.

[ISO:400|Meter:Matrix|Speed:1/1.3|Aperture:F7.1|Length:55mm|WB:Incand](mouse over)
I got my Windows 7 Ultimate in the mail and they sent me a Windows Expert pin. I am having issues making better macro pics and I think it is a matter of finding the right aperture setting.

Random picture of a street after class

Long shutter pictures seem to be the flavor of the week. I was driving off and noticed this little spot so I stopped, took out my tripod, and took the picture in the middle of the night. I originally wanted to focus more on the lights in the distance, but what I really like in this picture are the trees in the foreground.

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