Saturday, October 17, 2009

and salsa

Pictures again of the previous day. Honestly, I think it makes more sense to post those in terms of time preservation.

HA. Fooled you. There's no more pictures of food, just crappy photos I took.

It has been pretty warm and sunny lately. I took this before noon. The blue of the sky is nice though everything else looked kinda crappy.

There are these vegetables that my aunt is growing in our backyard and I've eaten them for years but I have no idea of its name. I tried to google it but the results of "green spiky vegetable" and "chinese green spiky vegetable" ... scratch that. My sister says it's called Chayote. Apparently it's not always spiky and it is not native to Asia. More Southern American. You learn something new every day.

My homies picked me up later and we went to get burritos. Thus, was the picture of the chips. This picture I took on the way back to their place. I didn't check the exact settings but I'm sure it was on P and the image was too dark to take a quick shutter snap. Thus, crazy raving light show.

The homies thus mentioned in their humble abode.

Some are more... eccentric than others... but I wouldn't have them any other way

All we need is a little bit of the simpler times.

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