Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Day and Night

I took some pictures last night while playing with a manual shutter speed. Dude. I think it is totally rad. I am such a newbie that I think the silliest things are cool.

The night light on manual delayed shutter... yes, I have a night light and no, I don't need one at night because I'm afraid of the dark... it just keeps the monsters away

At a faster shutter speed

Even faster

Faster still

It seems to make sense to me that the longer the shutter stays open and is delayed, the more light it takes in. However, there seems to be more "noise"(don't know if I am using that term correctly here) at the same time. As the shutter becomes faster, the nightlight becomes more distinct. I tried to take a picture of it at the highest shutter speed, but there was just darkness.

I figured that if this works on the nightlight, I wonder how the backyard would look with a manual shutter delay.

Granted that this was taken behind a fenced window and with no tripod, it is still pretty amazing. This was taken at 11:30pm last night and no, there was no fire and no, it is not that bright outside. The manual shutter makes such a difference!

This would be the downstairs

My garage windows look like the eyes of the Amityville horror house

The keyboard Ken gave me.

A shot of a corner of my room with a longer delay.

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