Friday, October 23, 2009


My friend Taylor and I decided to go out for breakfast yesterday on Haight St. and ended up exploring a bit of the park.

"What shall we do after we've had this delicious meal?" I asked.

"Hmmm..." Taylor contemplated.

"I've got it! A photo adventure!" He exclaimed.

"How about the Botanical Gardens?"

We didn't go inside but I did get to take this picture.

"We will get a better view from there!"

The top of the de Young Museum was decided upon. From this picture it looked like a temple rising out of the jungle.

*Elevator music plays in the background*

Great view of the city. I really love the fog in the back. Hover over with the mouse to see the picture with a warm filter. I can't really tell which is the better picture.

The Academy of Sciences. So rad. I hate that I got my own reflection and glare.

"Is that a theater?"

Why it is!

Domey. But what else is around here?



Even giant safety pins! But what of nature?

Here's a tree. I took the picture and then realized that the shadows were too dark. I decided to try out the D-lighting and the result can be seen on the mouseover.

Played around with some black and white too. Eh.

A Squirrel.

Gonna end it with another flower close-up.

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