Friday, October 16, 2009

I don't do people

Here are some snaps from the other day:

The brat with her mom. Indoor lighting and shaky hands. Blah.

My other aunt being a loser.

omg SARS pic

The asian sailor moon pose... does it ever get old? (the answer is yes)

My cousin took this one while we were passing through Chinatown. I've never taken a black and white picture with this camera and it looks cool. It's a little to dark though.

He's the one with the pink shirt.

We were attempting to play with the aperture and focus so that one object would be focused on and everything else blurry and he took a picture of the ninja hanging in the car.

Here was my attempt. Need to learn to take it by rule of thirds.

This wasn't a snap I took yesterday but it was one from the previous day. My friend mentioned that there was noise and wondered what it would look like if I were to change it to black and white. Interesting. Damn that speck though...

1 comment:

  1. You're such a mean cousin! The brat! Great pics, btw! Thanks for sharing!!!
