Wednesday, October 21, 2009


This post is going to be of the place I reside, Daly Shitty.

Well, maybe not just Daly City. Some of Colma too.

I love how the city looks so desolate even in the daytime.

Colma, where the dead outnumber the living.

As much as you would like to believe, the dead aren't disturbed by the drivers-by.

The local Korean market... with Greek statues out front? Of course there's an IHOP in the same center with a Chinese food place, a Laundromat, and a video store... yes, a video tape store... that doesn't have DVDs. Crazy, I know.

Some things you don't notice while driving by. I think I've become a kind of wanderer in my old age.

All too familiar clouds

The way to San Francisco. Hey, the Bart's coming!

The place of my first job. It's changed ownership twice since then and now hasn't been open for the past two years. Nice and slummy.

Decided to take a detour after class. Stopped and took one last snap.

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